Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Iowa State University
12/8/2021 Elysse Trost Genetics (LAS) presents her poster as an Outstanding first-year honors project awardee at the Fall 2021 Honors Program Poster Presentation.
11/10/2021 Dr. McNeill Receives The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities Board on Human Sciences Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
9/3/2021 Alyssa Hohman passes her preliminary exam in Genetics and Genomics.
04/27/2021 Dr. McNeill Receives Early Achievement in Teaching Award from The College of Human Sciences at Iowa State University
02/15/2021 Alyssa Hohman Receives the Brown Graduate Fellowship Award
01/23/2020 Dr. McNeill is an invited speaker Biomedical Sciences Department Iowa State University School of Veterinary Medicine.
01/14/2020 Dr. McNeill is an invited speaker Genetics, Development and Cell Biology Department Iowa State University.
12/18/2019 Scarlett Eagle is awarded the outstanding senior award for the College of Agriculture. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to the lab! See her talk about her experience.
11/02/2019 Dr. McNeill Speaks and Simon, Alyssa and Alicia give posters at the midwest Drosophila conference. Shout out to the Bai lab and our giant van that made it all possible.
10/14/2019 Simon Moe and Caroline Hendron present posters at the 11th annual Neuroscience Research Day.
05/29/2019 Dr. McNeill is an Invited Key Note Speaker at microRNA Symposium Brandeis University.
05/15/2019 Simon Moe and Alyssa Hohman join the lab as PhD graduate students.
04/04/2019 Caroline Hendron presents her poster at the 14th Annual Stupka Symposium and is awarded one of two poster presentation awards.
04/01/2019 Scarlett Eagle presents her poster at the 14th Annual Research in the Capitol Event at the Iowa State House.
01/01/2019 Alicia Taylor joins the lab as a PhD graduate student.
10/31/2018 Kinzie Matz is selected as a Rosenfeld Undergraduate Research Scholar.
10/15/2018 Scarlett Eagle presents her poster at NORD Rare Diseases and Orphan Product Breakthrough Summit (Click here for Featured Student article).
09/29/2018 Dr. McNeill gives invited talk at Neuroscience Research Day, Iowa State University,
05/31/2018 Dr. McNeill gives and invited talk at Brown University Fly club meeting.
01/25/2018 FSHN Department Promotes our research (Click here for article).
01/02/2018 The McNeill Lab is officially Established.